如無意外@ concert 2006 何韻詩 | 如無意外 歌詞 | 网站提供最新歌词

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如無意外@ concert 2006 何韻詩

如無意外@ concert 2006 何韻詩

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#如無意外 #concert #何韻詩


如無意外@ concert 2006 何韻詩

如無意外 歌詞.

30 thoughts on “如無意外@ concert 2006 何韻詩 | 如無意外 歌詞 | 网站提供最新歌词”

  1. pay tribute to梅姐..首歌ga旋律係特登作到同梅姐首"孤身走我路"差唔多… 至於啲歌詞有咩關係就真係要靠估 可能啲詞係呀goo或wyman眼中梅姐一生ga故事/對佢ga感嘆 亦可能有另一層象徵式意義 不過來來去去個主題都係圍繞人生ga無常 九成都關梅姐ga離開事 其實我好似講完好似無講咁 反正斟酌每個字咁分析一定會錯 大家feel到呀goo對梅姐果份情就得嚕

  2. 5: chorus, repeat+new meaning: she imagine if she chosen him, they will hv baby, listens to her heartbeat & praise the god, but she wanted to see the world(so she choose career)
    6(last): chorus, if that did not happen, she would be at home(ordinary life), happily waiting her lover, thinking of their baby's name
    Or may be, even if she chose him, they will still break up, so she did make a reasonable/best decision

    I like the song & hope u know what it means, hope this help u & u like it

  3. 2: that happy drama can go on, but I was curious, I want to be success and praised
    3: but I realize, when I succeed, no one welcomes me(at airport), we suppose to live happily ever after, but sb offers me a flight(metaphor :a chance)rushing me
    4: the flight(career) never stops, Can go back(time) when she's in sky(her great success), her lover become unimportant and vanish, yet, at this moment, she found him really important (regret)

  4. I'll try my best, if anyone want to correct my mistakes, pls do so
    In short, I think it tells a story that a girl choose her career instead of her lover, feeling regret now.
    The song name is sth like: if nothing(it does not) happens
    1st paragraph: A day on flight, she looks back to history and think of her lover, saying she didn't mean to lose her, but she want sth more than him
    2nd: if this accident(or surprise) did not happen, I shall be back home waiting for u, planning for the wedding,tbc==

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