歌词 Cyndi Lauper – If You Go Away (from Live…At Last) | 音乐香港提供标准歌词

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歌词 Cyndi Lauper – If You Go Away (from Live…At Last) 最近更新

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Cyndi Lauper – If You Go Away (from Live…At Last) 和与此 that’s why you go away 歌词相关的图片。

Cyndi Lauper - If You Go Away (from Live...At Last)

Cyndi Lauper – If You Go Away (from Live…At Last)

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Cyndi Lauper 表演 If You Go Away 的音乐视频(来自 Live…At Last)。 © 2004 Epic Records,索尼音乐娱乐公司的一个部门。

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#Cyndi #Lauper #LiveAt。

Cyndi Lauper,Epic/Legacy,If You Go Away,Pop。

Cyndi Lauper – If You Go Away (from Live…At Last)。

that’s why you go away。

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40 thoughts on “歌词 Cyndi Lauper – If You Go Away (from Live…At Last) | 音乐香港提供标准歌词”

  1. So beautiful and ethereal!!
    There is so much emotion in this song. It reminds me of some songs in Spanish that I've heard that bring me close to tears. What a soulful beautiful voice!

  2. please listen to this entire album….Cyndi does her songs, rock classics and pop standards ALL to perfection….especially Edith Piaf's "La Vie En Rose"……….oh, the band is 1st rate as well

  3. Cindy just blew my mind. I've never believed she could use so many singing resources in just one song and I've listened so many of her songs. AMAZING!!!!! Best Cover EVER!!!!

  4. …Yo te ofreceré, perlas de la mar , perlas que no están en ningún lugar y te cubriré con oro la piel y pondré a tus pies todo un cielo azul…

  5. Não me canso de assistir a esta performance, um dos atos artísticos mais belos da história. Você consegue sentir o que ela está sentindo, ela transmite toda emoção.

  6. If you go away

    On this summer day

    Then you might as well

    Take the sun away

    All the birds that flew

    In the summer sky

    And our love was new

    And our hearts were high

    When the day was young

    And the night was long

    And the moon stood still

    For the night bird song

    If you go away, if you go away, if you go away

    But if you stay

    I'll make you a day

    Like no day has ever been

    Or will be again

    We'll sail on the sun

    We'll ride on the rain

    We'll talk to the trees

    And worship the wind

    And if you go

    I'll understand

    Leave me just enough love

    To hold in my hand

    If you go away, if you go away, if you go away

    If you go away

    As I know you will

    You must tell the world to stop turning

    Till you return to me

    If you ever do,

    Oh what good is love without loving you?

    I can tell you now, as you turn to go

    I'll be dying slowly

    Till your next hello

    If you go away, if you go away, if you go away,

    But if you stay

    I'll make you a night

    Like no night has ever been

    Or will be again

    I'll sail on you smile

    I'll ride on your touch

    I'll talk to your eyes

    That I love so much

    But if you go

    I'll understand

    Leave me just enough love

    To hold in my hand

    If you go away, if you go away, if you go away, if you go away

    If you go away, as I know you must

    There is nothing left in this world to trust

    Just an empty room, full of empty space

    Like the empty look I see on your face

    I'd have been the shadow of your dawn
    If I thought it might have kept me by your side

    If you go away, if you go away, if you go away.

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