歌词 Lewis Capaldi – Hold Me While You Wait (Interlude Session) | 音乐香港提供标准歌词

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Lewis Capaldi – Hold Me While You Wait (Interlude Session) 和与此 that’s why you go away 歌词相关的图片。

Lewis Capaldi - Hold Me While You Wait (Interlude Session)

Lewis Capaldi – Hold Me While You Wait (Interlude Session)

that’s why you go away 和 信息与主题 相关。

流/下载“在你等待时抱紧我”:在此处获取我的首张专辑“神圣无灵感到地狱般的程度”的扩展版:在此处收听我的最新单曲“出发前”:门票:Lewis Capaldi 表演 Hold 的音乐视频当你等待时我。 © 2019 环球音乐有限公司。

>>您还可以在 看到更多好听的和弦和百万观看次数的音乐视频这里

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Lewis Capaldi – Hold Me While You Wait (Interlude Session)。

that’s why you go away。

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45 thoughts on “歌词 Lewis Capaldi – Hold Me While You Wait (Interlude Session) | 音乐香港提供标准歌词”

  1. I'm waitin' up, savin' all my precious time
    Losin' light, I'm missin' my same old us
    Before we learned our truth too late
    Resigned to fate, fadin' away
    So tell me, can you turn around?
    I need someone to tear me down
    Oh, tell me, can you turn around?
    But either way

    Hold me while you wait
    I wish that I was good enough (Hold me while you wait)
    If only I could wake you up (Hold me while you wait)
    My love, my love, my love, my love
    Won't you stay a while? (Hold me while you wait)

    [Verse 2]
    Tell me more, tell me something I don't know
    Did we come close to havin' it all?
    If you're gonna waste my time
    Let's waste it right

    And hold me while you wait
    I wish that I was good enough (Hold me while you wait)
    If only I could wake you up (Hold me while you wait)
    My love, my love, my love, my love
    Won't you stay a while? (Hold me while you wait)
    I wish you cared a little more (Hold me while you wait)
    I wish you'd told me this before (Hold me while you wait)
    My love, my love, my love, my love
    Won't you stay a while? (Hold me while you wait)

    This is you, this is me, this is all we need
    Is it true? My faith is shaken, but I still believe
    This is you, this is me, this is all we need
    So won't you stay a while?

    And hold me while you wait
    I wish that I was good enough (Hold me while you wait)
    If only I could wake you up (Hold me while you wait)
    My love, my love, my love, my love
    Won't you stay a while? (Hold me while you wait)
    I wish you cared a little more (Hold me while you wait)
    I wish you'd told me this before (Hold me while you wait)
    My love, my love, my love, my love
    Won't you stay a while? (Hold me while you wait)

    Stay a while (Hold me while you wait)
    (My faith is shaken, but I still believe)
    Stay a while (Hold me while you wait)
    My love, my love, my love
    Won't you stay a while?


  3. “Hold me while you wait”

    As a blue collar man, all want is a woman who will hold my heart and protect it. I finally found a woman, after so many heart breaks. And I’m falling quick! When I say I’m falling, She has changed me as a man, I’m actually scared to die now. 🥰 find your person ladies and gentlemen

  4. I don’t need to be treated like a baby or an outcast…I just need you need to hold me during my breakdowns and all my silent cries. I need someone to be there..be here…

  5. To my life lydia medrano. Your mg everything. Thank u for blessing me with 4 beautiful kids and not forget what we lost. I love yall kids even tho i never met yall. Daddy loves yall

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