直播港澳臺【精編版】中國與阿盟發表聯合聲明 | 美軍機台海刷存在 | 英國解封首相隔離 | 東京奧運首現運動員感染 | 中國要求徹查美國生物實驗室 | 明天仍要繼續 | 更新最新音乐

直播港澳臺【精編版】中國與阿盟發表聯合聲明 | 美軍機台海刷存在 | 英國解封首相隔離 | 東京奧運首現運動員感染 | 中國要求徹查美國生物實驗室 | 提供最新歌曲和弦的网站

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与主题相关的图片 直播港澳臺【精編版】中國與阿盟發表聯合聲明 | 美軍機台海刷存在 | 英國解封首相隔離 | 東京奧運首現運動員感染 | 中國要求徹查美國生物實驗室

直播港澳臺【精編版】中國與阿盟發表聯合聲明 | 美軍機台海刷存在 | 英國解封首相隔離 | 東京奧運首現運動員感染 | 中國要求徹查美國生物實驗室

直播港澳臺【精編版】中國與阿盟發表聯合聲明 | 美軍機台海刷存在 | 英國解封首相隔離 | 東京奧運首現運動員感染 | 中國要求徹查美國生物實驗室

有关主题的信息 明天仍要繼續

《直播港澳台》是深圳廣播電影電視集團強力打造的名牌欄目。每天20:06分在深圳衛視直播。 《直播港澳台》擁有強大的記者陣容,深入港澳台新聞現場;邀請重量級港台名嘴,剖析兩岸時事風雲;攜手海內外主流媒體,構建南中國信息平台。新浪網、搜狐網、香港TVB及ATV、台灣TVBS和ETV 、澳門TDM等主流媒體展開戰略合作,欄目資源互補,彰顯信息整合優勢。


相关搜索 明天仍要繼續.

#直播港澳臺精編版中國與阿盟發表聯合聲明 #美軍機台海刷存在 #英國解封首相隔離 #東京奧運首現運動員感染 #中國要求徹查美國生物實驗室


直播港澳臺【精編版】中國與阿盟發表聯合聲明 | 美軍機台海刷存在 | 英國解封首相隔離 | 東京奧運首現運動員感染 | 中國要求徹查美國生物實驗室


33 thoughts on “直播港澳臺【精編版】中國與阿盟發表聯合聲明 | 美軍機台海刷存在 | 英國解封首相隔離 | 東京奧運首現運動員感染 | 中國要求徹查美國生物實驗室 | 明天仍要繼續 | 更新最新音乐”

  1. To fight evil USA government . STOP buying US assets, STOP saving in US dollar and reduce using US dollar in transaction anytime possible

  2. copy from others comment
    Amnesty International has described Guantánamo as "the gulag of our times". Despite their history of condemning human rights violations, No western nation has condemned the US government for Guantánamo. and EU just close eyes. EU should sanction USA
    Meanwhile US is sanctioning and targeting judges and staff on International Criminal Court because they are investigating American troops war crimes and human rights abuses in Afghanistan. Yeah ,that is the Champion of Humanr Rights..good old USA

  3. remember USA politians are trained to Lie, to Cheat and to Steal . USA compete by sending warship to your front door, create a gang of mafia country to bully China (ASIA NATO) , Spreading fake news about humans right , virus, etc Banning selling equipment and chips to CHina in order to compete with Hua wei . Detain / Kidnap other country citizen ( Meng Hua Zhou) , Sanction any company that do not benefit to US

  4. Please have channel in Indonesia Language , so Indonesian will have a balance news to counter The west propaganda machine in Indonesia , The west main propaganda is to smear China. Indonesia will become a very crucial place in battle with USA

  5. How long can China play gentle guy. USA is bribing nations around the world to block China project, bribing scientists to lie against China. The world can see how WHO is changing tone and China still remains gentle. USA plan is to distabilize and distroy China economy I hope all Chinese can seeit clear, is up to China to fight fist with fist because USA is not going to back up until mission is completed

  6. Focus on de-dollarization. This clearly shows that US is getting nervous, everyday comes out with new accusations on Russia and China.
    Once de-dollarization is done…US is nothing but a bankrupt country with full of debts.

  7. Axis of Evil USA, NATO Mafia, sneaky midnight retreat in defeat of shame to avoid embarrassment of losing to a bunch of farmer freedom fighters. How pathetic. Now these traitor Afghan interpreters are betrayed by their master Evil Monster USA genocidal to be slaughter.

  8. 中央官方在英美的CGTN"装孫子"英语电媒体一从来不但不受美盗贼像RT.com俄罗斯那么恕发冲冠,反面宠爱有加!

  9. The WHO did a double backflip with a triple headspin, ending with a legsplit, balanced on two balls. The whole world knows the US is behind the gymnastic performance. Both the WHO and the US lost credibility in the eyes of the world.. They look like court jesters.

  10. Your English subtitles have improved a lot. When it becomes unreadable I will let you know. I can see there are more comments in English to my surprise. Please keep the English subtitle from start to finish.

  11. Who is WHO's boss ?
    The american of course.
    So if WHO can't make any decision, China should just cut off ties with WHO and saved back all those funds that they contributes to WHO each year.

  12. Lymph and lyme disease and its origin are from Maryland at the bio lab at Fort Detrick to cripple the Russian soldiers but got escaped from the lab.
    Even the Canadian government scared to point finger at them.
    Another hazardous bio weapon created by the orange ? cowboys dirty diaper bag of GENOCIDAL arsenal weapon.

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