Eason Chan 陳奕迅 – 歲月如歌 Years Like Song (歌词 / Translations) The Triumph In The Skies OST | eason chan 歌詞 | 提供最新和弦的网站

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陈奕迅Eason Chan好久不见Long Time No See [拼音+歌词PinYin+Lyrics]


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我来到 你的城市
想像著 没我的日子

拿着你 给的照片

我会带着笑脸 挥手寒暄 和你坐着聊聊天

不再去说从前 只是寒喧 对你说一句
只是说一句 好久不见

拿着你 给的照片

我会带着笑脸 挥手寒暄 和你坐着聊聊天

不再去说从前 只是寒喧 对你说一句
只是说一句 好久不见

陈奕迅Eason Chan好久不见Long Time No See [拼音+歌词PinYin+Lyrics]

因为爱情Because of LOVE Eason Chan, Faye Wong ( pinyin / Lyrics )

因为爱情Because of LOVE Eason Chan, Faye Wong ( pinyin / Lyrics )

我们Us 陈奕迅Eason Chen歌词Lyric video(Eng subbed)


“我最大遗憾就是你的遗憾与我有关” 这句歌词真的深深震撼到了我。

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Original Audio: https://youtu.be/dhjomo8W6Lc

Instagram: cstoronto
真的很喜欢的一首歌, 请欣赏

该说的 别说了
你懂得 就够了
真的有 某一种悲哀
是你的遗憾 与我有关
没有句点 已经很完美了
何必误会故事 没说完
我连伤感都是 奢侈的
我一想念 你就那么近
但终究 你都不能
陪我到 回不去的远方
是你的遗憾 与我有关
没有句点 已经很完美了
何必误会故事 没说完
我连伤感都是 奢侈的
我一想念 你就那么近
但终究 你都不能
陪我到 回不去的远方
在我怀疑 世界时
你给过我 答案
可惜我们没有等 我们

我们Us  陈奕迅Eason Chen歌词Lyric video(Eng subbed)

Eason Chan 陳奕迅 歲月如歌 Years Like Song (歌词 / Translations) The Triumph In The Skies OST


Loved already, seeing you, cannot understand humble, go talk about dreams
Won’t uncouth, just like seeing dawn, then can only love everything

Embracing you, everytimg I come back, how many surprises are there, this life is too short
Accompanying you emotions are like baggages, it’s still heavy and waiting for me to reorganize

(The weather isn’t as scheduled, but if wanting to go, would still fly
Farewell cannot wait, no matter if it has a purpose
Let me have a great solicitude, but you hand, like tomorrow is going to escape far away
But you can, leave me some happy memories
Pretend everything isn’t perfect anymore, rather find you in a song)

Goodbye now, back facing you, thinking of those many sorrows
No need to explain, having every principle
Let go of self, only then can play around

Embracing you, I said already, how to fly high
This God wants to take you away
If one day I reread my mails, would I get weary of playing


Sing Along:
oi seung liu   hon gin nei   yue hoh bat dung him bei
hui gong sam jung lei seung   bat wooi juk hei
yau yue hon dak gin san hei   choi nang foon tin hei dei

po jeuk nei   ngoh mooi chi   wooi loi doh siu ging hei
ya hui yat sang taai duen   pooi jeuk nei
ching gam yau yeuk hang lei   ying yin cham chung doi ngoh jing lei

tin hei bat chi yue kei   daan yiu jau   jung yiu fei
do bit bat hoh joi dang nei   bat goon yau moot yau gei
kap ngoh tai tip yap mei   daan nei sau   yue ming yat bin yiu yuen lei
yuen nei hoh yi   lau ha gung ngoh chang yue faai dik yik gei
dong sai si joi moot yuen mei   hoh yuen joi sui yuet yue goh jung jaau nei

joi gin liu   booi heung nei   wooi tau doh siu seung bei
ya hui bat bit joi gong   soh yau do lei
hoh si fong sung ngoh ji gei   choi nang fa tin jau dei

po jeuk nei   ngoh suet gwoh   yue hoh yat hei go fei
je tin ji seung daai jau   waan si nei
yue chung wan wong yat yau gei   daan wooi fau pei guen liu hei hei


Eason Chan 陳奕迅  歲月如歌 Years Like Song (歌词 / Translations) The Triumph In The Skies OST

陳奕迅 (Eason Chan) 讓我留在你身邊 (Rang Wo Liu Zai Ni Shen Bian) Pinyin and English

Singer : Eason Chan 陳奕迅, also sung by LuHan 鹿晗
Album : Rang Wo Liu Zai Ni Shen Bian 讓我留在你身邊
Title : Rang Wo Liu Zai Ni Shen Bian 讓我留在你身邊
English Title : Let Me Stay Be Your Side

陳奕迅 (Eason Chan)  讓我留在你身邊 (Rang Wo Liu Zai Ni Shen Bian) Pinyin and English

陳奕迅/Eason Chan:【十年】10 years (KTV with Pinyin)

陳奕迅/Eason Chan/陈奕迅/Eason/E神/E臣/Chan Yickshun/イーソン・チャン/천이쉰/เฉิน อี้ซวิ่น
10年/Shi Nian/10 years

唱歌學中文唱歌学中文(華語华语/漢語汉语/北京話北京话/普通話普通话/國語国语/中國話中国话) CPOP/chinese pop, KTV/Karaoke/カラオケ, Song, Learning, Mandarin Chinese, Hanyu Pinyin/漢語拼音/羅馬拼音/ピンイン, Lyrics/歌詞

Pinyin KTV Chinese

陳奕迅/Eason Chan:【十年】10 years (KTV with Pinyin)

Sui Yuet Yue Goh Eason Chan Pin Yin Lyrics

Triumph in the Skies 1 Theme song, Sui Yuet Yue Goh by Eason Chan with mandarin lyrics and romanised Cantonese Pin yin

Song by : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJztAhH8AsU
Lyrics by : http://singklyrics.com/easonchansuiyuetyuegohtriumphintheskytheme
Made by me using : Windows Movie Maker & Windows paint

Sui Yuet Yue Goh   Eason Chan Pin Yin Lyrics

Eason Chan 陳奕迅 Tao Tai 淘汰 with pinyin lyrics and english translation

Eason Chan 陳奕迅 Tao Tai 淘汰 with pinyin lyrics and english translation

Eason Chan 陳奕迅  Tao Tai 淘汰 with pinyin lyrics and english translation

陳奕迅Eason Chan《Last Order》OFFICIAL官方完整版[LYRICS][HD][歌詞版][MV]

Last Order 唱: 陳奕迅
監製/作曲: Eric Kwok 詞: 黃偉文

沒關係 真的沒關係
我也許 早就該回去
再一杯 我告訴自己 到此為止 乾了不再續
麻煩你 加冰威士忌
對不起 來個Double的
喝到這裡 終於夠勇氣 說一個經歷

那晚下雨 在這店裡 也放著這首曲
有個男子 搭上一個女子
反正失戀 他當然不介意 有段艷遇
只是回到 他的家裡
十幾坪 家徒四壁
一聲不嚮 那女的 掉頭離去
就像 三個小時前 未婚妻 初次到來 嫌棄的樣子

沒關係 真的沒關係
一晚上 就失戀兩次
那男子 還不懂懷疑 到底自己 是否沒出息
不客氣 別給我Ice Tea
客人們 不是我嚇跑的
別看著我 這個不過是我 朋友的經歷

那晚下雨 在這店裡 也放著這首曲
有個男子 搭上一個女子
反正失戀 他當然不介意 有段艷遇
只是回到 他的家裡
十幾坪 家徒四壁
一聲不嚮 那女的 掉頭離去
就像 我的未婚妻… 對不起 好像說成 是我的樣子

陳奕迅Eason Chan《Last Order》OFFICIAL官方完整版[LYRICS][HD][歌詞版][MV]

陈奕迅/Eason 【让我留在你身边/Rang Wo Liu Zai Ni Shen Bian】【歌詞/Lyrics】

电影 摆渡人 主题曲


Wo cong lai bu shuo hua
因为我害怕 没有人回答
Yin wei wo hai pa mei you ren hui da
Wo cong lai bu zheng zha
因为我知道 这世界太大
Yin wei wo zhi dao zhe shi jie tai da

Tai duo shi jian lang fei
太多事要面对 太多已无所谓
Tai duo shi yao mian dui tai duo yi wu suo wei
Tai duo nan bian zhen wei
太多纷扰是非 在你身边是谁
Tai duo fen rao shi fei zai ni shen bian shi shui

最渺小的我 有大大的梦
Zui miao xiao de wo you da da de meng
Shi jian xiang qian zou yi ding zhi you lu kou mei you jin tou
纷纷扰扰这个世界 所有的了解
Fen fen rao rao zhe ge shi jie suo you de liao jie
只要 让我留在你身边
Zhi yao rang wo liu zai ni shen bian

最渺小的我 有大大的梦
Zui miao xiao de wo you da da de meng
Wo yuan yi an jing de huo zai mei ge you ni de jiao luo
如果生活还有什么 会让你难过
Ru guo sheng huo hai you shen me hui rang ni nan guo
别怕 让我留在你身边 都陪你渡过
Bie pa rang wo liu zai ni shen bian dou pei ni du guo

最渺小的我 最卑微的梦
Zui miao xiao de wo zui bei wei de meng
Wo fa xian zhe shi jie mei you na me na me de bu tong
现实如果对你不公 别计较太多
Xian shi ru guo dui ni bu gong bie ji jiao tai duo
走吧 暴风雨后的彩虹
Zou ba bao feng yu hou de cai hong

也许会落空 也许会普通
Ye xu hui luo kong ye xu hui pu tong
Ye xu zhe yong yong lu lu de hei bai shi jie ni bu dong
生命中所有的路口 绝不是尽头
Sheng ming zhong suo you de lu kou jue bu shi jin tou
别怕 让我留在你身边 都陪你度过
Bie pa rang wo liu zai ni shen bian dou pei ni du guo

陈奕迅 Eason 让我留在你身边 RangWoLiuZaiNiShenBian

陈奕迅/Eason 【让我留在你身边/Rang Wo Liu Zai Ni Shen Bian】【歌詞/Lyrics】

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与主题相关的图片 Eason Chan 陳奕迅 – 歲月如歌 Years Like Song (歌词 / Translations) The Triumph In The Skies OST

Eason Chan 陳奕迅 - 歲月如歌 Years Like Song (歌词 / Translations) The Triumph In The Skies OST

Eason Chan 陳奕迅 – 歲月如歌 Years Like Song (歌词 / Translations) The Triumph In The Skies OST

有关主题的信息 eason chan 歌詞


相关搜索 eason chan 歌詞.

#Eason #Chan #陳奕迅 #歲月如歌 #Years #Song #歌词 #Translations #Triumph #Skies #OST

歲月如歌,陳奕迅,Eason Chan,Years Like Song,衝上雲霄,The Triumph In The Skies

Eason Chan 陳奕迅 – 歲月如歌 Years Like Song (歌词 / Translations) The Triumph In The Skies OST

eason chan 歌詞.

4 thoughts on “Eason Chan 陳奕迅 – 歲月如歌 Years Like Song (歌词 / Translations) The Triumph In The Skies OST | eason chan 歌詞 | 提供最新和弦的网站”

  1. 陳奕迅 – Sui Yuet Yue Goh (The Years Like Songs) [歲月如歌]

    愛上了 看見你 如何不懂謙卑

    oi seung liu hon gin nei yue hoh bat dung him bei

    loved already, seeing you, cannot understand humble

    去講心中理想 不會俗氣

    hui gong sam jung lei seung bat wooi juk hei

    go talk about dreams, won't uncouth

    猶如看得見晨曦 才能歡天喜地

    yau yue hon dak gin san hei choi nang foon tin hei dei

    just like seeing dawn then can only love everything

    抱著你 我每次 回來多少驚喜

    po jeuk nei ngoh mooi chi wooi loi doh siu ging hei

    embracing you, whenever I come back there are surprises

    也許一生太短 陪著你

    ya hui yat sang taai duen pooi jeuk nei

    maybe this life is too short with you

    情感有若行李 仍然沉重待我整理

    ching gam yau yeuk hang lei ying yin cham chung doi ngoh jing lei

    emotions are like baggage, it's still heavy and waiting for me to reorganize

    天氣不似如期 但要走 總要飛

    tin hei bat chi yue kei daan yiu jau jung yiu fei

    the weather isn't as scheduled, but if wanting to go, would still fly

    道別不可再等你 不管有沒有機

    do bit bat hoh joi dang nei bat goon yau moot yau gei

    farewell cannot wait, no matter if it has a purpose

    給我體貼入微 但你手 如明日便要遠離

    kap ngoh tai tip yap mei daan nei sau yue ming yat bin yiu yuen lei

    let me have a great solicitude, but your hand, like tomorrow is going to escape far away

    願你可以 留下共我曾愉快的憶記

    yuen nei hoh yi lau ha gung ngoh chang yue faai dik yik gei

    but you can, leave me some happy memories

    當世事再沒完美 可遠在歲月如歌中找你

    dong sai si joi moot yuen mei hoh yuen joi sui yuet yue goh jung jaau nei

    pretend everything isn't perfect anymore, rather find you in a song

    再見了 背向你 回頭多少傷悲

    joi gin liu booi heung nei mei tau doh siu seung bei

    goodbye now, back facing you, thinking of those many sorrows

    也許不必再講 所有道理

    ya hui bat bit joi gong soh yau do lei

    no need to explain, having every principle

    何時放鬆我自己 才能花天酒地

    hoh si fong sung ngoh ji gei choi nang fa tin jau dei

    let go of self, only then can play around

    抱著你 我說過 如何一起高飛

    po jeuk nei ngoh suet gwoh yue hoh yat hei go fei

    embracing you, I said already, how to fly high

    這天只想帶走 還是你

    je tin ji seung daai jau waan si nei

    god wants to take you away

    如重溫往日郵寄 但會否疲倦了嬉戲

    yue chung wan wong yat yau gei daan wooi fau pei guen liu hei hei

    if one day I re-read my mails, would I get weary of playing

    天氣不似如期 但要走 總要飛

    tin hei bat chi yue kei daan yiu jau jung yiu fei

    the weather isn't as scheduled, but if wanting to go, would still fly

    道別不可再等你 不管有沒有機

    do bit bat hoh joi dang nei bat goon yau moot yau gei

    farewell cannot wait, no matter if it has a purpose

    給我體貼入微 但你手 如明日便要遠離

    kap ngoh tai tip yap mei daan nei sau yue ming yat bin yiu yuen lei

    let me have a great solicitude, but your hand, like tomorrow is going to escape far away

    願你可以 留下共我曾愉快的憶記

    yuen nei hoh yi lau ha gung ngoh chang yue faai dik yik gei

    but you can, leave me some happy memories

    當世事再沒完美 可遠在歲月如歌中找你

    dong sai si joi moot yuen mei hoh yuen joi sui yuet yue goh jung jaau nei

    pretend everything isn't perfect anymore, rather find you in a song

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