The East is Red 东方红 1965 Chinese 'song and dance epic' with English subtitles | 東方紅 歌詞 | 网站提供最新歌词

The East is Red 东方红 1965 Chinese 'song and dance epic' with English subtitles | 你可以在这里看到更多更新的歌词

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与主题相关的图片 The East is Red 东方红 1965 Chinese 'song and dance epic' with English subtitles

The East is Red 东方红 1965 Chinese 'song and dance epic' with English subtitles

The East is Red 东方红 1965 Chinese 'song and dance epic' with English subtitles

有关主题的信息 東方紅 歌詞

According to wikipedia (
The East Is Red (simplified Chinese: 东方红; traditional Chinese: 東方紅; pinyin: Dōngfāng Hóng) is a 1965 Chinese film directed by Wang Ping. It is a “song and dance epic” dramatizing the history of the Chinese Revolution and the Communist Party under the leadership of Mao Zedong, from the beginnings of the Boxer Rebellion, to the Civil War against the Nationalists, to the victory of the Communists and the establishing of the People’s Republic.

I made new English subtitles after being unhappy with the version available online. I don’t think the English subtitles on the version on Internet Archive ( captures the feeling of the Chinese very well (and in some places it is simply wrong), and it’s very difficult to read. I hope people find this version interesting and useful.

The prologue is presumably from the Hua Guofeng period in the mid-1970s.


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#East #Red #东方红 #Chinese #39song #dance #epic39 #English #subtitles

Subtitle,China,Cultural Revolution (Event)

The East is Red 东方红 1965 Chinese 'song and dance epic' with English subtitles

東方紅 歌詞.

32 thoughts on “The East is Red 东方红 1965 Chinese 'song and dance epic' with English subtitles | 東方紅 歌詞 | 网站提供最新歌词”

  1. 伟大的,战无不胜的,光辉的毛泽东思想万岁!永远铭记毛主席的教导!永远是他老人家的战士。

  2. The East is Red 东方红 1965 Chinese 'song and dance epic' with English subtitles

    Luke Fomiatti

    《复兴之路》舞台艺术电影 大型音乐舞蹈史诗 (宋祖英 / 田华 / 陈铎 / 彭丽媛 / 阎维文 / 韩红)| new movie 2020|最新电影2020

    1905 Movie Theater

    【點直播】7月1日 偉大征程——慶祝中國共產黨成立100周年大型情景史詩


  3. You don't have to agree with all the politics, I don't agree much, but this is indeed an artistic masterpiece.. anyone who loves Chinese opera, would definitely love this.

  4. It's like they're deifying Mao.
    They're literally comparing the Communist Party to the Sun and it seems like they're comparing Mao to Christ: "This Sun is risen", "He is the Saviour of the People".

  5. 祝福我们伟大领袖毛主席万岁!祝福我们伟大金正恩委员长万岁!祝福我们伟大习近平主席万岁!祝福我们伟大中国共产党万岁!祝福我们伟大社会主义祖国中华人民共和国万岁!祝福我们朝中亲密如兄弟般亲密情谊万岁!

  6. 世界上所有的丑恶都在台湾人香港人身上展现出来了,他们恶毒,自私自利,虚伪,充满奴性,欺软怕硬。他们有的是殖民地奴隶的后代,有的是被中国共产党赶走的土匪恶霸,奴隶主,资本家,官僚的后代。天生就站在人民的对立面。如果中国共产党那么邪恶,为什么能够将国民党赶到台湾去,是国民党人自愿去的吗?是因为全中国的普通人都知道谁才是压迫他们的政党。所以他们支持中国共产党-人民的政党。虽然随着毛泽东同志的逝去,无产阶级革命果实被以邓小平为首的叛徒窃取了。他们把资本家奴隶主重新请回来了。但是我们还有毛泽东思想,人民迟早会夺回我们的革命果实。台湾政府不是人民的朋友,他们比邓小平更恶毒,他们不愿意大陆14亿人民当自由的公民,他们想让大陆人给他们还有他们的主子美国资本家当奴隶。所以一定不要对台湾人仁慈,统一台湾以后一定有把他们赶尽杀绝

  7. 如果不是毛扼杀文艺,使得艺术家无法制作和传播有趣的作品,这部戏根本不会成为许多人的选择,就像有了google你不会再从《新闻联播》找消息(嗯 这部片比百度都有点埋汰百度了)。

  8. 现在一有大型活动,需要点大气有灵魂的音乐作品时,一看基本只有前三十年的东西拿得出手。自从改为一律摸石头以后,都想尽快摸到金银财宝,没谁静得下心来琢磨怎样过河比较优雅有尊严了。

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