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[Vietsub] Dear Friend (Bạn Thân) - The Parkinson

[Vietsub] Dear Friend (Bạn Thân) – The Parkinson

有关主题的信息 dear friend 歌詞

[Vietsub] Dear Friend (Bạn Thân) The Parkinson

收錄於2002年1月|dear SHUNZA

Dear Shunza : 順子寫給自己的一封信
上一張專輯「…and the Music’s there…」發行之後,在盜版猖獗、下載盛行的唱片市場環境裡,順子醞釀兩年、首次擔任製作人的心血結晶沒有得到應有的回應,讓她的心情難免受到影響,這些給了順子一個反省、沉澱的契機。


Dear Shunza :
別人怎麼看我們 不重要
自己怎麼看自己 才重要
Love, Shunza


首波主打歌「Dear Friend」指定挑戰音樂偶像玉置浩二作品
高難度「Silent Power」唱法 唱盡你我的心聲

創作力驚人的順子,在這張專輯中卻選擇回歸到演唱人的角色,挑戰她心目中的音樂偶像之一,日本知名創作人玉置浩二的作品「Friend」作為第一主打歌。對順子而言,唱偶像的歌不但是向偶像致敬,更是對演唱功力一種極大的挑戰;因為翻唱不但要唱出原曲的精神,更要唱出自己的特色,難度反而比唱自己寫的歌還更高。再加上玉置浩二的歌,是出名的優美動聽,但是在沉靜憂鬱的氛圍中,如何讓歌聲恰到好處的切合樂曲的情緒,打動人心卻不流於濫情,其中的分寸相當難拿捏;連演唱經驗豐富,得過金曲獎最佳女演唱人獎的順子都不禁大呼:「這首歌特別難唱!!」然而順子畢竟是順子,在她的歌聲裡,成功的抓住了那種餘韻無窮,沉靜裡蘊含著強大力量的「Silent Power」唱法。

「Dear Friend」的中文詞是由名作詞人姚謙所創作,歌詞敘述分手多年後,心中的感觸卻是有增無減;看見朋友孩子的臉,還是會忍不住揣想若是兩人依然相戀,眼前又會是何種情節?


跟夏天才告別 轉眼滿地落葉
遠遠的 白雲依舊無言
像我心裡感覺 還有增無減

跟去年說再見 轉眼又是冬天
才一年 看著世界變遷
有種滄海桑田 無常的感覺

Oh~ Friend 我對你的想念
此刻特別強烈 我們如此遙遠

朋友孩子的臉 說著生命喜悅
如果說 我們依然相戀
說不定在眼前 是另外情節

Oh~ Friend 我對你的想念
此刻特別強烈 這麼多年
Oh~ Friend 我對你的想念
此刻特別強烈 如此遙遠



順子 Shunza dearShunza


아이유 (IU) “친구야 친구 (너다워 고마워)” “My Dear Friend (Thank You For Being You)

Haesoo sang this song in Ep 7 of Moon Lovers. The director wanted a song that expresses gratitude for friendship, which the princes can think back on later in the storyline (probably when the princes start fighting for the throne), but IU looked through her whole playlist and couldn’t find a suitable song, so amidst her busy filming schedule, IU composed a song instead. She also said the 줌 ‘joom’ part is her favourite in the lyrics. This song has two verses. Initially, the first verse was from Haesoo’s perspective, followed by the second verse intended to console the 4th prince, but the director liked the second verse better so the verses were swapped and in the end.

Big thanks to iujjang tumblr for the lyrics and translation.

English Translation
As it blows past
But the one small ray of sun makes me smile
Everyone is so busy
They get on with their lives
But that one friend makes me smile
When I find a place where loneliness does not exist
Join me there my friend, come with me

My dear friend
Thank you for being you

Although the silent sky
seems different from yesterday
How can you blame anyone?

Maybe everyone in the world has nightmares
How can I cry by myself?
There’s a place I wanted to return to
Now even my footprints seem unfamiliar to me
My dear friend
Thank you for being you

中森明菜 dear friend 中文歌詞

Les comparto mi canción favorita de Captain Tsubasa o Super Campeones como quieran llamarla; una canción muy emotiva que habla mucho de la amistad de la infancia, perfecta para representar a estos chicos.

Pagina de Facebook:

Triplane Dear Friends (Lyric)

Rom: TheXezza

No copyright infringement intended.

Dear Friend One Piece With Lyric

Agust D feat. Kim Jong Wan of NELL ‘Dear My Friend’ Lyrics Color Coded (Han/Rom/Eng) by Hansa Creative

➽─❥ Song Details
★ Artist : Agust D feat. Kim Jong Wan of NELL
★ Title : Dear My Friend
★ Album : MIXTAPE D2
★ MV :

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Agust D, Dear My Friend, Agust D Dear My Friend, Agust D Dear My Friend lyrics, Dear My Friend Agust D, Dear My Friend Agust D lyrics, lyrics Dear My Friend, lyrics Dear My Friend Agust D, lyrics Agust D Dear My Friend, lirik Dear My Friend, lirik Agust D Dear My Friend, lirik Dear My Friend Agust D, Agust D Dear My Friend mv, Dear My Friend Agust D mv
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[Vietsub] Dear Friend (Bạn Thân) – The Parkinson

dear friend 歌詞.

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