We have 5 everfrosts and you cannot move for 7.5 whole seconds lmaoooo | that’s why you go away | 网站提供最新歌词

We have 5 everfrosts and you cannot move for 7.5 whole seconds lmaoooo | 你可以在这里看到更多更新的歌词

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与主题相关的图片 We have 5 everfrosts and you cannot move for 7.5 whole seconds lmaoooo

We have 5 everfrosts and you cannot move for 7.5 whole seconds lmaoooo

We have 5 everfrosts and you cannot move for 7.5 whole seconds lmaoooo

有关主题的信息 that’s why you go away

The most cursed idea of all time – a 5 everfrost composition
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#everfrosts #move #seconds #lmaoooo

League,of,Legends,League of Legends,Rossboomsocks,5 everfrost,5 everfrosts

We have 5 everfrosts and you cannot move for 7.5 whole seconds lmaoooo

that’s why you go away.

40 thoughts on “We have 5 everfrosts and you cannot move for 7.5 whole seconds lmaoooo | that’s why you go away | 网站提供最新歌词”

  1. Ross, I'm gonna have to ask you to create some more Rock, Paper, Scissors videos. I've gotten to a point that I can win every time because I recognize the videoa.

  2. Mundo's Medical Team: Mundo Jungler, Singed top, Akali mid, Shen support and Kennen Adc (champions either have medical skins or has "medical" experience) . Everyone takes Moonstone Renewer and begin operation on the enemy patients. Day 12

  3. This man ACTUALLY got me a damn good hearty laugh when he said hes holding hope for hunter x hunter to reach the dark continent. I'm hoping too my dude but the chances are uhhhh, not likely

  4. Kled but you actually play as skaarl so you can only use e and ult (aa aren't allowed since kled does it) and if you dismount you instantly back and recall
    Day 5

  5. Day 138, we past the three digit numbers boys, since that is apparently how we gotta do it – Do maximum Movement speed Nocturne, because you can run from your nightmares, but they are faster than you. Especially if you are an ADC.

    Day 109, post 1st month anniversary – Play with the following team of five: Annie, Ivern, Shaco, Yorick, + (optional 5th pick) Azir/Kindred/Kled and Skarl/Lulu and Pix/Malzahar/Neeko/Nunu and Willump/Quinn and Valor/Sejuani and Bristle – so that the match is a 10+ v 5.

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