What Is Your DEEPEST DESIRE? What You TRULY WANT (+ HOW to GET IT) Pick A Card Psychic Tarot Reading | that’s why you go away | 网站提供最新歌词

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What Is Your DEEPEST DESIRE? What You TRULY WANT (+ HOW to GET IT) Pick A Card Psychic Tarot Reading

What Is Your DEEPEST DESIRE? What You TRULY WANT (+ HOW to GET IT) Pick A Card Psychic Tarot Reading

有关主题的信息 that’s why you go away

What Is Your DEEPEST DESIRE? What You TRULY WANT (+ HOW to GET IT) Pick A Card Psychic Tarot Reading

In this Pick A Card reading, find out what your soul’s truest, deepest desire is. What is it that you are consciously trying to achieve or get? And what is it that your soul and subconscious is trying to achieve or get? How are these two desires in conflict, and what can you do to integrate them both? Everything you need to know about what you THINK you want vs what you’re ACTUALLY trying to get in life. Channelled messages from you angels, spirit guides and higher self to help you on your path in achieving the life you want and manifesting your dreams. Manifesting your dreams in life, love, romance, relationships, money, finances, career, hopes, wishes.

Hello & Welcome to Avalon Intuitive..

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Pile 1: 3:45
Pile 2: 21:54
Pile 3: 43:31
Pile 4: 1:02:02

Channelling spirit through Tarot cards to bring you readings and messages of guidance and reassurance to encourage, inspire, support and EMPOWER you on your journey. Here you will learn how to tap into your intuition and reconnect to Spirit so you are able to follow your own guidance.

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What Is Your DEEPEST DESIRE? What You TRULY WANT (+ HOW to GET IT) Pick A Card Psychic Tarot Reading

that’s why you go away.

40 thoughts on “What Is Your DEEPEST DESIRE? What You TRULY WANT (+ HOW to GET IT) Pick A Card Psychic Tarot Reading | that’s why you go away | 网站提供最新歌词”

  1. All the talk about medical school, law school, refugees, really went far away from what did apply. My parents and their parents, etc were all poor. They were barely educated. At some point they came from another country legally. So much resonated but then the rest was way out there. I had to work full time. No law school or medical school. It seems like most tarot readers only read for young people, not 60 year olds like me. That’s unfortunate.

  2. Pile 1…..years of depression… Years of toxicity and hurt. I just want to leave. Because I do intended to live my life. Just like I am now. I deserve happiness and all the good the universe has to offer. I just need a change of environment. Because it's not just for me but my family as well…especially my mother with her health issues. An we are going to leave. I'm manifesting it. I'm still going to be me. If people like me or not. I still love me. Because I'm been through alot. An learned alot about myself. An I love me. It's hard to heal family issues especially when you are dealing with narcissistic people and bullies. But gratitude has made a major change. The house has less arguments and more peace. Thank you very much for this beautiful insight. I appreciate it. Love and light.

  3. Thank you so much Avalon, you are such a healer. I never realized the connection between my spirituality and my desire to be good and suppress the ego and plus my upbringing. I’m so grateful for Spirit for illuminating the way, I have been liberated 🙏 I shall make a donation to give thanks when your reading physically manifests some abundance for me to allow myself to do so. Bless you!

  4. Pile 3. I'm trying to dissolve my ego cause it is stopping me from being a better human being. slowly giving away materialistic pleasure. Music is what I wanna do the most but not concentrating much. Been writing lyrics for 10 years but don't have much courage to go after it. Feels like I need to learn more and maybe after that I'll think about it. Thank you for this reading 🙏

  5. Picked pile 4. Why are you making me cry 🙁 I loathe, despise and pity and feel compassion towards my family both at the same time. I feel like I'm the only one who can see what's wrong in their beliefs and their mindsets. They choose to support narcs and I'm the only one questioning that, seriously. I feel like they are possessing the dark and dysfunctional version of empathy. They can't see that because of their support towards narcs and enabling the males who dont know how to be responsible, none of us are escaping generational poverty at all. We are either poor as shit or bunch of leeches who can't stand on their own feet and therefore a slave to another, not realizing what we truly want in life. It's survival mode EXTREME level and I'm giving them clarity and a way out but all they did was abuse me and take advantage of me. I still want to help but that's by choosing my own path and real independence. What we were the last 20 years is what we are at the present. It's ridiculous. We've been stuck and stagnant while the whole world progressed right before my eyes. It's devastating. I know I have a lot of potential. I want us to progress together but all they did was drag me down to their own pit of shit.

  6. Pile 1 and 3! Yes i deal with negative opinion by ghost the people whom I feel they suppressing me. Being alone has been my safe place since my childhood. And being rejected, didn't have a safe environment since my childhood made me believe that I am better of alone. However, I am a lively person, have a great passion to heal , motivate and uplift people . thank you so much to help me understand that my alone time is just on my conscious level while the deep desire of my soul is to be with people, heal them, motivate them and uplift hem. Definitely I will go for therapy to rewire myself. Thank you.

  7. These readings felt like church… (although I don't go to church anymore) I just mean these readings felt like food for the soul.
    Thank you.

    Piles 2 & 3

  8. One of your best, but every time you channel it’s the truth.

    It’s funny because I first chose pile 3 and some of it resonated but I knew as soon as I got into the reading that I was only getting half the story. I stayed through it because I needed to hear some of it but what I really needed to do was chose the pile that stirred something raw within me, pile 2 the Indian Jasper.

    I have never gotten emotional during a reading before but you saw my soul and reflected it back to me. From the absent and narcissistic parents/family, to being impressed upon that I was unlovable and only acknowledged when I proved I could add something special, something ethereal to my broken family. I mirror this complex in friendships. I have always felt confused in relationships because I presumed I had something of unique quality to offer, but when I assess my friendships even as far back as to when I was a child I only see a list of people uncommitted, and in some cases unwilling, to connect with me. And I bury it deep.

    I visualize the Future Perfect me and how every step, every action is only allowed as momentum to create that version of myself that I was “born to be.” And that version is so supernova, so perfect in every category it’s inhuman—and who would ever be able to deny Perfection affection? Suffice to say I’ve never met or created that version. Not even close!!! But when I DID think I was close, the damage rained more severe than I realized. I compare myself to the women who I think have either

    A) managed to overcome their humanness or were
    B) chosen to be perfect.

    I do this so that I may guiltlessly, harshly punish my self by doubling down on pain. Because success is pain, right? I am afraid to meet myself in the moment. What if my authenticity is wrong or unbecoming? I want to be special and I want to be chosen. I want to be present and I want to be free of ego. I do want to just experience ordinary humanness. I want to know I can be loved through it all. I’ll start and focus on being a genuine friend to myself from here on out.

    Thank you. It’s funny…I chose the clear quartz in the beginning because it shimmered otherworldly, special. I wanted to be destined for such a message. I never leave one of your readings without what I came for though. You are wonderful at what you do, take care, and thank you again. 🦋

  9. #4… I'm honestly scared by what you just said… My siblings are disabled due to a genetic disease and my mom is an immigrant with very little education. I had to grow up at a young age and I would always tell myself "I can't fall, if I fall, they fall" All I want is for my family and me to be safe. I'm a Capricorn moon, mars, and midheaven. It was reassuring to hear you say that I will succeed.

  10. Pile 2, dang. So real, thank you. I'll definitely be healing that wound if thinking i need to be somebody superhuman/special more than normal in order to be loved. It may take some time but it's worth it ♡ thanks again.

  11. Pile 2: I'm so amaze by ur reading…u are so accurate.. it's so true that I thought I needed to be perfect in order to be loved …my heart is crying all the time !

  12. Incredible! I chose #4. I grew up in extreme poverty, my step dad is a schizophrenic and I'm the eldest child of 12 so I do 100% strive for that success in order to "save everyone". I'm currently in therapy for my PTSD I got from my upbringing, and I'm working on becoming a scientist. Thankyou for the validation that I'm on the right track. You are fantastic! ❤️

  13. I felt like piles #1-3 needed to be watch. For pike #1, it’s where I am now. I want nothing more to get far away where my family and people that know us can never find me. I want to love and be loved while fully being myself. The first time I felt that was when I moved to Europe from America. It was so beautiful. I had friends and a family that basically adopted and accepted me. Being back in America has been hard because they’re trying even harder to force me into the role I didn’t want. #2 is where I was at that time. It’s hard to admit that but I wanted to be perfect, not for their approval but to shut them up and stop the criticism. Being better than everyone else saved me from that as a kid. I had to learn that I can relax and just not deal with ungrateful/miserable people. #3 I think it comes from seeing the worst of humanity from such a young age but knowing that people can be better. I’ve worked hard to be “good” because I was raised in “bad” knowing that none of those people had to be or really wanted to be that way.

  14. Pile 3 was spot on, even down to the fact that my old surname given to me in birth used to mean A Good Person. Like, everything is about you being good, and I started a spiritual journey very, very young, only as a teenager. I grew up with "Kill the ego, be the soul"-mantras and have just now, around my late 30's, starting to realize that it is a shitty concept. We're here as humans because we wanted to experience a life AS A HUMAN. Better embrace it all!

  15. This reading felt so personal… Thank u for what you doing and for just being you. I really felt something in my chest and i knew i was listening to the truth
    Lots of love ❤️❤️❤️ You are amazing too ☺️

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